Post-Completion OPT

Optional Practical Training (OPT) gives F-1 students 12 months of "temporary employment for practical training directly related to the student’s major area of study" [8 CFR § 214.2(f)(10)(ii)]. OPT is available to F-1 students who have been in full-time student status for at least one academic year in the United States. OPT does not require a job offer. A student may be eligible for a new 12-month period after completing a new degree program at a higher education level.

Important: OPT is not an entitlement, but a benefit that is granted at the discretion of USCIS after a thorough review of your application.

To help you plan your OPT application timeline, start date, and end date, please use our downloadable tool. This tool is provided as a reference only.

Infographic about OPT applications.

Quick Facts about OPT

  • OPT work authorization is available for 12 months.
  • Students can apply for Pre-Completion OPT during their studies (part-time employment only) or Post-Completion OPT based on a completed degree (full-time employment).
  • You must be in the United States to apply for OPT.
  • A job offer is not required for OPT application.
  • Students may accrue up to 90 unemployment days in total during post-completion OPT.
  • Employment on OPT must be directly related to student's major field of study and commensurate with degree level.
  • Employment on OPT can be paid or unpaid.
  • Learn more by taking the OPT Tutorial Canvas Course (required in order to apply for OPT)

I-20 End Date Options

OPT for Undergraduates and Non-Thesis Graduate Students

The program end date on your OPT I-20 will be a university-approved date for your final registered semester, i.e., the semester when you complete your degree requirements. The program completion dates for the academic terms are:
• Spring term: Saturday of Commencement, as listed on the Rice Academic Calendar (
• Summer term: August 31st
• Fall term: December 30th

OPT for Thesis/Dissertation Graduate Students

Doctoral and Thesis-Masters students have several options for their I-20 program end date for the purpose of applying for OPT. Make sure to read through the information below carefully so that you understand all the particulars of each option.

Please note that on-campus employment work authorization, including eligibility to receive a stipend, ends on the program end date selected. This means that if you choose to apply for OPT based on a mid-semester defense date, you will not be eligible to receive your stipend for the full semester.

Option 1: Thesis/dissertation defense date – In order to qualify for this option, students must be registered for the semester in which they defend. If you intend to defend during the first week of the semester and will not register for that term, you must use Option 3 and the end date of the prior term when you were last registered.

Option 2: Thesis/dissertation submission date – This option is only available if you 1) submit in the same term when you defend and 2) are registered for that term. The submission date is the latest end date you can select if you submit mid-term, you cannot choose Option 3 for the semester in which you submit if you submit earlier than Monday of the last week of classes.

Option 3: End of the final registered semester – This option is only available if you 1) are registered for the full term selected and 2) do not submit your thesis/dissertation prior to the last week of classes for that semester (i.e., submission deadline for graduation). The latest semester that you can choose is the semester in which you defend. However, if you submit your thesis/dissertation earlier than Monday of the last week of classes you cannot choose this option.

The program completion dates based on final registered semester for the academic terms are:
• Spring term: Saturday of Commencement, as listed on the Rice Academic Calendar (
• Summer term: August 31st
• Fall term: December 30th

In sum, your options are:
1) Defense date if you register for that term. If you defend at the beginning of the term and do not register for the semester, you must choose the end of the previous term.
2) Submission date or the end date of the term in which you defend, whichever is earlier.

Additional I-20 End Date FAQs for Thesis/Dissertation Graduate Students

Before reading these additional FAQs, please make sure to carefully read through the "OPT for Thesis/Dissertation Graduate Students" section above!

During the process, students are required to submit their thesis multiple times, including before and after the defense. When talking about thesis/dissertation submission, which submission do you mean?
When referring to thesis/dissertation submission, we mean the final submission of the final version.

Am I required to defend and submit my final thesis in the same term?
No. Rice gives you six months from your defense date to submit your final thesis, but for OPT purposes your I-20 end date should be in the term when you defend (either Option 1 or Option 3 listed in the section above). There is no immigration concern with you submitting your thesis while already on OPT.
For more information on academic deadlines, please see

What if I have applied for post-completion OPT based on my defense date, and then my defense (or submission) is moved to a later date?
That is okay, but please note that once your OPT is approved and starts, you are no longer maintaining your F-1 status through your studies but rather through OPT employment (see for more information). This means that instead of getting to focus 100% on your defense (or submission), you may need to begin OPT employment or accrue unemployment days.

Are there any disadvantages to applying for OPT based on my defense (or early submission) date?
If you have a job offer with an early start date, being able to apply for OPT based on your defense date can be a great option. But please note that your on-campus work eligibility will end on the new end date of your I-20. This means that you are no longer eligible to receive your stipend, but also must stop rendering any services as TA/RA, etc. Discuss this carefully with your advisor because they may be counting on you for those services until the end of the semester, and you want to make sure they get plenty of notice if this were to change.

How to Request OPT I-20 from OISS

Step 1: Complete the OPT Tutorial & Review the FAQs

Please complete the OPT Tutorial Canvas Course and read through the FAQ for Students Applying for OPT below before starting the OPT application process. A copy of the OPT Canvas Tutorial completion certificate is required for OPT requests.

Special note: The OPT Tutorial Canvas Course does not yet reflect the updated end date policy for thesis/dissertation graduate students. Updates to the course are coming soon, but the section "I-20 End Date Options" above details the new policy.

Step 2: Watch OPT Workshop video (optional)

For more information on OPT, please watch our virtual OPT Workshop video at

Special note: The OPT Workshop video does not yet reflect the updated end date policy for thesis/dissertation graduate students. Updates are coming soon, but the section "I-20 End Date Options" above details the new policy.

Step 3: Work with your faculty advisor to complete the OPT Faculty Advisor Form

Study the I-20 end date options listed above very carefully. Graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation have more available end date options, but the selection will also affect on-campus work eligibility, eligibility to continue to receive a stipend, etc. Make sure you understand the options available to you before moving forward!

On the Faculty Advisor Form, the student completes the top section and Rice faculty member/advisor completes the bottom section to verify the required information.

Click here to access the Faculty Advisor Form for Undergraduates and Non-Thesis Masters students.
Click here to access the Faculty Advisor Form for Thesis Masters and Doctoral students.

Step 4: Complete the Form I-765 if you would like to request an OISS courtesy review (otherwise this can be done later)

If you would like to request a courtesy review of your Form I-765 from OISS, you should complete it in advance and upload it as part of your OPT request in the next step. Before completing your I-765, please read through the official USCIS "Instructions for Form I-765" available under "Forms and Document Downloads" at and the OISS guidance below.

If you plan to file your OPT application online, please see steps 3 and 4 below in the "How to File Online OPT Application" section, and upload the "draft snapshot," available in the "Review and Submit" section of the online I-765 for the courtesy review. If you start working on your online I-765 in advance, USCIS will keep your draft for up to 30 days, allowing you to return to finish it later. Do NOT submit the payment and application until you have received the OPT recommendation I-20 from OISS and uploaded it under the Evidence section!

If you plan to file your OPT application paper based by mail, please see Tips for Completing the Paper Form I-765 below in the "How to File Paper Based OPT Application" section.

Make sure to submit the correct version of the I-765, depending on how you intend to apply (i.e., online or paper based). It is not helpful to submit a paper form I-765 for review if you plan to file using the online I-765, or vice versa.

OISS will only provide feedback if we have any edits to suggest. If you don't receive any comments, it means your Form I-765 looks good!

Please note that the accuracy and completeness of the final I-765 is ultimately your responsibility.

Step 5: Complete your OPT request form online

The OPT request form, which includes your requested OPT dates, your preferred non-Rice email which will be used while you are on OPT, and the OPT SOU, is available online at In addition to completing the form, you must also upload the following documents:

1) OPT Tutorial Canvas Course Completion Certificate
2) OPT Faculty Advisor Form (make sure to use the correct form for your program: Non-Thesis Students or Thesis Students)
3) Your most recent I-94 record, available at
4) Optional for students who would like to request a courtesy review from OISS: Form I-765 "Application for Employment Authorization". For more information, please see Step 4 above, and make sure to submit the correct version (i.e., online or paper based) for the courtesy review. OISS will only provide feedback if we have any edits to suggest, so if you don't receive any comments it means your Form I-765 looks good! Please note that accuracy and completeness of the Form I-765 is still ultimately your responsibility!

How to File Online OPT Application

Step 1: Prepare application materials

While OISS works on your new I-20 (please allow 1-2 weeks for processing), please make sure you have the remaining application items ready:

1) A passport-style photo taken within the last 6 months
2) Digital copies of your passport, most recent F-1 visa, and current I-94 record
3) Digital copy of the front and back of any previous EAD card(s), if applicable
4) Digital copies of previous CPT and OPT I-20s
5) Additional supplemental documents as appropriate

Step 2: Attend an OPT follow-up appointment with an OISS advisor

When your OPT I-20 is ready, you will be invited to schedule an OPT follow-up appointment, during which an OISS advisor will discuss the rest of the application process and maintaining your status during OPT.

Step 3: Create a USCIS Online Account

Create the USCIS Online Account at

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please see

Step 4: Complete the Form I-765 online

Please note that you must complete the online application very carefully. The system allows you to submit an incomplete application without all required evidence, which can lead to delays and additional difficulties. If you start working on your online I-765 in advance, USCIS will keep your draft for up to 30 days, allowing you to return to finish it later. Do NOT submit the payment and application until you have received the OPT recommendation I-20 from OISS and uploaded it under the Evidence section!

The guidance below is not intended to be legal advice, but general suggestions for how you might proceed when completing the online I-765 application. Before completing the I-765, please also read through the official USCIS "Instructions for Form I-765" available under "Forms and Document Downloads" at

If you would like to provide any additional information about your immigration history beyond what is collected as part of the standard questions, please use the Additional Information section of the Form I-765. After submitting your application, you will also have the option of uploading additional documents as unsolicited evidence (see the end of this step).

Complete the Form I-765 online

Screenshot from USCIS online account. Select what you want to do. File a form online option is circled.

Login to your USCIS Online Account and select "File a form online"

Screenshot from USCIS website. Select the form you want to file online. I-765 is checked from the list of forms.

Select the Form I-765 and click on "Start form"

Read through all the provided information very carefully before proceeding to the questions.

Screenshot from online I-765 form. What is your eligibility category.

Although the menu on the left allows you to skip to any section of the I-765, it is recommended that you complete the form in order to ensure no responses are missed.

Under eligibility category, select "c(3)(B) Student Post-Completion OPT"

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your reason for applying with Initial permission to accept employment selected. Have you previously filed Form I-765?

Reason for applying should be "Initial permission to accept employment"

Make sure to report any previously filed I-765, if applicable.

Screenshot from online I-765. Is someone assisting you with completing this application?

If a preparer or an interpreter assists you with completing the application, you must disclose it and answer additional questions regarding the preparer and/or interpreter.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your current legal name? Have you used any other names since birth?

Enter your name exactly as it is listed on your Form I-20. Make sure to also report any other names you may have used, alternate spellings, and any alternate order in which your names may sometimes be listed, if applicable.

Screenshot from online I-765. How may we contact you? What is your current U.S. mailing address? OISS address is listed on the example as follows: OISS, Rice University. 6100 Main Street, MS-365, Houston, Texas 77005.

Please make sure to respond to all questions carefully and accurately.

If you use your own address for mailing, you should leave the “In care of name” field blank. If you use the address of a family member of friend, please enter their name in the "In care of name" field.

You are welcome to use the OISS address for mailing purposes! Please list it as follows:
OISS, Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005

Screenshot from online I-765. Is your current mailing address the same as your physical address? No is selected as the response. Where in the United States do you live?

If you use a separate mailing address, i.e., an address where you do not currently physically live, you MUST report your physical address separately. This address should match what is reported as your physical address in SEVIS, so please make sure your address is current in ESTHER before submitting your OPT application.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your gender? What is your marital status?

Please select the options that best apply to you.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your city, town, or village of birth? What is your state or province of birth? What is your country of birth? What is your date of birth?

Please make sure to respond to all questions carefully and accurately. All dates should be listed in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your country of citizenship or nationality? What is your Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number? When did you last arrive in the United States?

Please make sure to respond to all questions carefully and accurately.

If you are a citizen of more than one country, report them all by selecting "+ Add country" as needed.

Your I-94 number is listed at the top of your I-94 record as “Admission (I-94) Record Number.”

Your Status at last arrival is most likely F-1, so select “F-1 - F-1 - Student, Academic or Language Program” from the dropdown.
Exception: If you originally entered the U.S. in a different visa status, filed and were approved by USCIS for a change of status to F-1, and have not traveled internationally since then, please make sure to select the correct status at last arrival!

Screenshot from online I-765. What is the passport number of your most recently issued passport? What is your travel document number (if any)? What is the expiration date of your passport or travel document? What country issued your passport or travel document?

Please make sure to respond to all questions carefully and accurately.

Most F-1 students do not have a travel document, so you may leave that question blank.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your current immigration status or category? F-1 Student Academic or Language Program has been selected. What is your Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Number?

In order to qualify for OPT, your current immigration status must be F-1. Please select “F-1 - F-1 - Student, Academic or Language Program” from the dropdown.

Your SEVIS Number is available at the top of your Form I-20.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your A-Number? What is your USCIS Online Account Number? I do not have or know my number has been checked on both questions.

Unless you specifically have and know your A-Number and/or your USCIS Online Account Number, you may select that you do not have or know these numbers.

Screenshot from online I-765. Has the SSA ever officially issued a Social Security card to you? Do you want the SSA to issue you a Social Security card? Consent for Disclosure: I authorize disclosure of information from this application to the SSA as required for the purpose of assigning me an SSN and issuing me a Social Security card.

Please make sure to respond to all questions accurately. If you have an SSN, you will be asked to provide it. If you do not have an SSN, you have the option of requesting for a Social Security card to be issued on the Form I-765. In that case you must give USCIS consent to disclose your information to SSA, and you will be asked a few additional questions related to the Social Security Number application.

Screenshot from online I-765. What is your father's birth name? What is your mother's birth name?

These additional questions only apply to students who are requesting a Social Security card to be issued on the Form I-765.

Screenshot from online I-765. 2X2 Photo of you.

Please read through the photo requirements carefully. Use the link to access the Department of State’s photo composition tools if you need to resize or otherwise adjust your photo to meet the requirements.

Pay attention to the file requirements, including accepted file formats, file names, and maximum file size.

Screenshot from online I-765. I-94 Arrival and Departure Record.

Please upload a copy of your I-94 record (available at, or a copy of your USCIS I-797A Approval Notice if you have changed status to F-1 inside the U.S. and have not traveled internationally since then.

Pay attention to the file requirements, including accepted file formats, file names, and maximum file size.

Screenshot from online I-765. Employment Authorization Document or Government ID.

Although the instructions for this section only request that one identity document be uploaded, we strongly recommend that you upload all of the following:
1) Passport biographical page
2) Most recent F-1 visa stamp even if it has expired (if applicable)
3) Previous EAD card(s) (if applicable)

Pay attention to the file requirements, including accepted file formats, file names, and maximum file size.

Screenshot from online I-765. Previously authorized CPT or OPT.

Please upload a copy of the SEVIS employment history document, which will be provided by OISS together with your OPT I-20. We strongly recommend that you also upload copies of all previous I-20s that contain CPT and/or OPT authorizations.

Please note that in addition to uploading the supporting evidence, you must also report any previous CPT and OPT authorizations in writing in the Additional Information section. See below for more information.

Pay attention to the file requirements, including accepted file formats, file names, and maximum file size.

Screenshot from online I-765. I-20, certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant student status.

Please upload a copy of the new OPT I-20 provided by OISS. No other I-20 copies should be uploaded in this section. Please make sure you have signed the I-20 (by hand in ink, electronic signatures from students are not accepted).

The online application must be submitted to USCIS within 30 days of the issue date of your OPT I-20!

Pay attention to the file requirements, including accepted file formats, file names, and maximum file size.

Screenshot from online I-765. Additional information, the following text entered: Previous CPT authorization: include at least dates and degree level, perhaps also name of employer and if CPT was part-time or full-time.

In addition to uploading the supporting evidence, you must also report any previous CPT authorizations in writing in the Additional Information section of the online I-765, if applicable. Please make sure to include the degree level at which the CPT was granted, as that detail is specifically listed as required in the official USCIS I-765 Instructions.

Screenshot from online I-765. Additional information, the following text entered: Previous OPT authorization: include at least dates and degree level, perhaps also clarify if pre-completion OPT, post-completion OPT, or STEM OPT extension.

In addition to uploading the supporting evidence, you must also report any previous OPT authorizations in writing in the Additional Information section of the online I-765, if applicable. Please make sure to include the degree level at which the OPT was granted, as that detail is specifically listed as required in the official USCIS I-765 Instructions.

Screenshot from online I-765. Additional information, the following text entered: Previous SEVIS ID number: include at least the number, perhaps also dates, sponsoring institution and clarify visa type, especially if other than F-1.

You must also report any previous SEVIS IDs in writing in the Additional Information section of the online I-765, if applicable. Visa types that have a SEVIS record are F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2, M-1 and M-2.

Screenshot from online I-765. Check your application before you submit.

Please review any alerts and warnings very carefully. Although USCIS allows you to add unsolicited documents at a later stage, the application itself cannot be changed after submission.

Screenshot from online I-765. Review the I-765 information.

Please review your responses very carefully. The system allows you to submit your application without all the required documentation, and although USCIS allows you to add unsolicited documents at a later stage, submitting an incomplete application can lead to delays and additional difficulties.

Screenshot from online I-765. Applicant's statement.

If you did not report having used an interpreter, you must attest to having read and understood every question and instructions related to the Form I-765.

Screenshot from online I-765. Applicant's declaration and certification.

Please read the declaration very carefully and sign the online I-765 digitally by typing your full legal name where requested.

Screenshot from online I-765. Pay for and submit your application.

Your OPT application will be submitted to USCIS once you have paid the application fee online. The available payment methods include a withdrawal from a U.S. checking or savings account, or payment with a U.S. debit or credit card. USCIS does not accept foreign debit or credit cards.

If you choose to start working on the I-765 in advance, USCIS will keep your draft for up to 30 days, allowing you to return to finish it.

DO NOT SUBMIT THE PAYMENT AND APPLICATION until you have received the new OPT I-20 from OISS and uploaded it under the Evidence section (under Form I-20).

Screenshot from online I-765. Upload unsolicited evidence.

After you submit your application, an electronic receipt notice will be immediately available under Your Cases in the Documents tab. USCIS will also mail you a hard copy receipt notice, which you should receive in a few weeks.

If you wish to add additional documentation to your application, you may upload it here as unsolicited evidence.

Step 5: Respond to any requests from USCIS, if applicable

If USCIS issues a Request for Evidence (RFE) for your OPT application, you will receive the notification through your USCIS Online Account. Please read through the request carefully paying special attention to the response deadline. Contact OISS if you need any assistance and upload your response through your USCIS Online Account as quickly as possibly.

How to File Paper Based OPT Application

Step 1: Prepare application materials

While OISS works on your new I-20 (please allow 1-2 weeks for processing), please make sure you have the remaining application items ready:

1) Recommended G-1145 E-notification form – Use this form to request a text message and/or email notification from USCIS when they receive your application.
2) A check or money order for $410.00 to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security" OR Form G-1450 – Only credit cards issued by a U.S. bank may be used for Form G-1450, foreign credit cards are not accepted
3) Recommended cover letter (template available)
4) Two passport-style photos taken within the last 6 months
5) Completed Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization (must be signed by hand in ink) – Please see the official USCIS instructions at and OISS tips below
6) Photocopies of your passport, most recent F-1 visa, and current I-94 record
7) Photocopy of the front and back of any previous EAD card(s), if applicable
8) Photocopies of previous CPT and OPT I-20s
9) Additional supplemental documents as appropriate and stated in your cover letter

All documents should be single sided. Photocopies do not need to be in color.

Tips for Completing the Paper Form I-765

The guidance below is not intended to be legal advice, but general suggestions for how you might proceed when completing the Form I-765 when applying for Post-Completion OPT using a paper based application. If you have questions about parts of the form not covered here, please contact OISS. You also want to read the official USCIS instructions at

Make sure to check the Edition Date of your Form I-765 and verify that it is the currently accepted edition as listed at

We strongly recommend that the form is typed on a computer, and only printed for an original signature. USCIS recommends using the most recent version of Adobe Reader for best functionality of the form. Handwritten responses can lead to misinterpreted characters, etc., but if you wish to still submit a handwritten form, please use black ink and make sure that all responses are strictly within the lines of the answer box.

Part 1. Reason for Applying – Please check option 1.a. “Initial permission to accept employment.”

Part 2. Information about You – Your Full Legal Name & Other Names Used
Enter your name exactly as it is listed on your Form I-20 in the Full Legal Name section. Make sure to also report any other names you may have used, alternate spellings, and any alternate order in which your names may sometimes be listed, if applicable.

Part 2. Information about You – Your U.S. Mailing Address

  • Complete 5.a. (In Care Of Name) only if you’re using an address that is not your own. In that case you would put the name of the person living in that address. For example, you are always welcome to use the OISS address, in which case you should complete question 5. as follows:
    a. In Care of Name: OISS, Rice University
    b. Street Number and Name: 6100 Main Street, MS-365
    c. Leave blank
    d. City or Town: Houston
    e. State: TX
    f. ZIP code: 77005
  • If you’re using your own physical address, you should leave 5.a. blank and complete your address in the remaining fields under question 5. You should respond “Yes” to question 6.
  • If you’re using a mailing address other than your physical address, you must answer “No” on question 6, and include your physical address in question 7.
  • IMPORTANT: Your physical address should match the address we have reported for you in SEVIS, which is based on the address you have in ESTHER. Please make sure your physical address is correct in the Mailing Address field in ESTHER before submitting your OPT application.

Part 2. Information about You – Other Information

  • Question 8. (Alien Registration Number) – It is likely that you do not know your A-number unless you have previously applied for an EAD. If you have a previous EAD, please include the number titled “USCIS #” on your EAD.
  • Question 12. (Have you previously filed Form I-765) – If your answer is “Yes”, you must submit a copy of your previous EAD (or EADs) with your OPT application. You must also use Part 6. of the Form I-765 to provide evidence of any previously authorized OPT and the academic level at which it was authorized.
  • Questions 13 - 17 (Regarding SSA) – If you have an SSN, you should provide it. If you do not have an SSN, you have the option of requesting for a Social Security card to be issued on the Form I-765. In that case you must give USCIS consent to disclose your information to SSA (question 15), and you must answer a few additional questions related to the Social Security Number application (questions 16 - 17). If your response to question 14 is "No," questions 15, 16 and 17 should all be left blank according to the instructions on the form indicating you should skip to question 18.

Part 2. Information about You – Information about Your Last Arrival in the United States

  • Question 24. (Immigration Status at Your Last Arrival) – In most cases this is F-1, so enter "F-1 student." Exception: If you originally entered the U.S. in a different visa status, filed and were approved by USCIS for a change of status to F-1, and have not traveled internationally since then, please make sure to enter the correct status at last arrival!
  • Question 25. (Your Current Immigration Status or Category) – In order to qualify for OPT, your current immigration status must be F-1. Please enter "F-1 student."
  • Question 26. (SEVIS Number) – If you have had a different SEVIS number in the past, you must use Part 6. of the Form I-765 to provide it.
  • Question 27. (Eligibility Category) – The eligibility category for regular Post-Completion OPT is (c)(3)(B). If you are applying for Pre-Completion OPT, the eligibility category is (c)(3)(A).
  • When applying for the regular Post-Completion OPT or Pre-Completion OPT, questions 28 – 31 should be left blank.

Part 3. Applicant’s Statement, Contact Information, Declaration, Certification, and Signature

  • Question 7.a. (Applicant's signature) – Please note that the Form I-765 requires an original, handwritten signature. Electronic signatures are not accepted by USCIS.
  • Question 7.b. (Date of signature) – USCIS must receive your OPT application within 30 days of when your OPT I-20 is issued by OISS. We also recommend making sure that the date of signature on the Form I-765 is no older than 30 days when USCIS receives your application.

Part 4. – should only be completed if you use an interpreter to help you with the Form I-765.

Part 5. – should only be completed if the Form I-765 is completed by someone else on your behalf.

Part 6. Additional Information – Use this page to report any additional information. Here is a list of some of the situations where you would want to complete Part 6:

  • If you didn’t have enough space to include your complete response on any of the previous questions, you may continue or clarify your response here. Make sure to indicate the correct Page, Part and Item Numbers.
  • If you have been authorized for CPT in the past – including during a previous academic level, by a previous school, or under a different SEVIS ID Number – you must indicate it here. We recommend referring the response back to the question about your Eligibility Category by indicating Page Number 3, Part 2, Item Number 27. On the lines, please indicate you're reporting previously authorized CPT, and include at least the dates and the degree level at which the CPT was granted, as that detail is specifically listed as required in the official USCIS I-765 Instructions. You may also want to include the name of the employer and if the CPT was for part-time or full-time practical training. Finally, please also indicate that copies of the CPT I-20s are included in the application. If you no longer have those CPT I-20s available, you may want to contact your previous school to see if you could get a printout of your SEVIS Employment History and/or if they could issue a letter for you confirming any CPT that was authorized for you. For CPT authorized by Rice, OISS will provide your SEVIS CPT History to include in your application as an additional supporting documentation.
  • If you have applied for OPT in the past, you must indicate it here. We recommend referring the response back to the question about your Eligibility Category by indicating Page Number 3, Part 2, Item Number 27. On the lines, please indicate you're reporting previously authorized OPT, and include at least the dates and the degree level at which the OPT was granted, as that detail is specifically listed as required in the official USCIS I-765 Instructions. You may want to also indicate that a copy of the OPT I-20 and EAD are included in the application.
  • If you have had a different SEVIS Number in the past, you must report it here. We recommend referring the response back to the question about your Eligibility Category by indicating Page Number 3, Part 2, Item Number 27. On the lines, please indicate that you are providing a previous SEVIS Number. You may also want to include the dates when the SEVIS ID was used, the sponsoring institution, and clarify the visa type, especially if other than F-1 (visa types that have a SEVIS record are F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2, M-1 and M-2). You may want to include copies of your previous I-20s and/or DS-2019s in your application as supporting documentation.
Step 2: Attend an OPT follow-up appointment with an OISS advisor

When your OPT I-20 is ready, you will be invited to schedule an OPT follow-up appointment, during which an OISS advisor will discuss the rest of the application process and maintaining your status during OPT.

Step 3: Assemble your OPT application

Once you have received your OPT I-20 and attended the OPT follow-up appointment with OISS, please assemble your OPT application with the items in the listed order:

1) Recommended G-1145 E-notification form
2) Payment (A check or money order for $410.00 to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security" OR Form G-1450)
3) Recommended cover letter (template available)
4) Two passport-style photos taken within the last 6 months
5) Completed Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization (must be signed by hand in ink)
6) Photocopy of the OPT I-20 with your signature (you should keep the original)
7) SEVIS CPT history printout (OISS will provide this along with your OPT I-20)
8) Photocopies of your passport, most recent F-1 visa, and current I-94 record
9) Photocopy of the front and back of any previous EAD card(s), if applicable
10) Photocopies of previous CPT and OPT I-20s
11) Additional supplemental documents as appropriate and stated in your cover letter

All documents should be single sided. Photocopies do not need to be in color. Please make a copy of the entire application for your records before moving mailing it to USCIS.

Step 4: Mail your application to USCIS

Please see the USCIS I-765 website section "Where to File" for the current mailing address for your OPT application. Please note that you may not mail your application more than 90 days before the program end date listed on the first page of your OPT I-20. In addition, USCIS must receive your application no more than 30 days after the OPT I-20 was issued. We strongly recommend mailing the application with tracking.

You can get a slightly discounted shipping through eShipGlobal. Visit, create an account if you don't already have one, select "OPT application" followed by the correct Lockbox as indicated on the USCIS website, and enter your payment information. If you have any questions, please contact eShipGlobal directly.

Step 5: Respond to any requests from USCIS, if applicable

If USCIS issues a Request for Evidence (RFE) for your OPT application, you will receive a hard copy notification in the mail. Please read through the request carefully paying special attention to the response deadline. Contact OISS if you need any assistance, and mail in your response as quickly as possible.

FAQ for Students Applying for OPT

When can I apply for OPT?

You may apply as early as 90 days before your program completion date. Your application must be received by USCIS no later than 60 days from your program completion date and within 30 days of the OPT I-20 issuance date.

Can I apply if I've used OPT before?

Students are eligible for OPT after each completed degree as long as the degree is at a higher education level. For example, a student who has completed a Bachelor's degree and used OPT after it, can be eligible for OPT again after completing a Master's degree.

I don’t have a job offer yet, can I still apply for OPT? What start date should I ask for?

Yes, you can apply for OPT even if you don’t have a job offer! You can ask for a start date within 1-60 days after graduation, but deciding which start date to request can be a bit tricky. Ultimately it’s your choice, but here are some pros and cons to keep in mind.

Requesting an early OPT Start Date

Pro: Assuming that your OPT has been approved, you have work authorization to start on whatever date your employer wants once you find the job.
Con: If you don’t have a job on your OPT start date, you will start accruing unemployment days. Not an immediate concern since you can accrue up to 90 during your OPT, but may become problematic if it takes you a bit longer to find the job.

Requesting a late OPT Start Date

Pro: You don’t have to worry about accruing unemployment days until much, much later.
Con: If you find your dream job and they want you to start quickly, you may need to convince them that you are worth waiting for, since your work authorization doesn’t start until your requested OPT start date (i.e., the validity date listed on your OPT EAD), even if you receive your OPT EAD earlier.

How do I submit the OPT request to OISS?

Please submit your OPT request electronically through

I've completed the Tutorial in Canvas but lost the certificate of completion. How can I retrieve it?

You can download the certificate of completion from your Rice Catalog "student dashboard" under the Completed tab! OISS will accept the certificate for up to one year after its date of completion. If you completed your Tutorial more than a year ago, please complete the current tutorial to get an updated certificate of completion.

1) Login to
2) Click on your name in the top right corner and select "Student Dashboard"
3) Choose Completed courses
4) Click on "Download" to get your certificate of completion

What happens after the OPT application is submitted online/mailed to USCIS?

1) USCIS sends an I-797 Notice of Action once your application is received, usually in a few weeks. When applying online, the receipt notice is immediately available electronically as well. This notice will contain a receipt number to check application status at
2) USCIS mails your OPT EAD card, if OPT is approved. If more information is required, USCIS will issue a Request for Evidence (RFE). Please continue to monitor your MyUSCIS account for any updates.

You can check the current estimated USCIS processing times at Below the provided estimate, you can enter your receipt date to learn the earliest date when USCIS will allow you to submit a case inquiry.

Please note that unfortunately the processing times listed in the MyUSCIS account have been unreliable, and should therefore be disregarded.

What if my OPT EAD card does not arrive in time?

You are not eligible to begin employment, even unpaid, until you have received the OPT EAD card and are within the validity dates indicated on the card.

Can I travel internationally while my OPT application is pending?

Traveling while your OPT application is pending is not recommended and should be undertaken with caution. If USCIS approves your application, you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States. Remember, USCIS can only send the EAD to your U.S. address. Application for F-1 visa renewal during OPT (especially while the application is still pending) can be risky.

Please speak with an OISS advisor for more information. You may also find additional information on travel and OPT at

Can my OPT application be expedited?

Possibly, as USCIS has made Premium Processing available for OPT applications. The premium processing filing fee for OPT applications is currently $1,685. The guaranteed processing time with premium processing is 30 days. To learn more, please see

OISS is not able to provide detailed guidance or advise on adding Premium Processing to your OPT application, but USCIS has instructions available under the "Forms and Document Downloads" section of their Premium Processing webpage.

For information on standard processing times without premium processing, please see

FAQ for Students Currently on OPT

What are the reporting requirements on OPT?

There are several reporting requirements that apply to you while you are on OPT to ensure that you are maintaining your F-1 status:

1) Submit a copy of your EAD card to OISS as soon as it arrives at
2) Submit an OPT update through your SEVP Student Portal whenever there is a change in your personal information or address.
3) Submit an OPT update through your SEVP Student Portal whenever there is a change in your employment.
4) Notify OISS immediately if you change your status to a visa type other than F-1 by submitting proof of your new status at or by emailing

For more information, please see

How many unemployment days are allowed during the OPT period?

Students are required to work full-time (defined as at least 20 hours per week) during the OPT period. Students are permitted a total of 90 days of unemployment during the 12 months on OPT.

Can I start my own business or work for a start-up company on OPT?

Yes, as long as the work is directly related to your major field of study and commensurate with your degree level.

Where can I learn about applying for the STEM OPT Extension?

For information on the 24-month STEM extension, important resources, as well as the STEM Extension Tutorial and instructions on how to apply, please see

For more information on maintaining status while on OPT, please see the Students on OPT & STEM OPT webpage.