Giving to OISS

Lend your expertise to one of our areas of focus or choose a cause to support! Your donations and in-kind contributions make it possible to provide an array of services and programming to enhance the experience of international students & scholars at Rice University. What may seem like a small gesture to you, makes a WORLD of difference for many!

Donating Monetary Funds to OISS

We appreciate your interest in supporting OISS in our mission. Your donation may be designated for a specific area of focus, or may serve to support all areas.

There are two ways in which you may submit your tax-deductible donation:

  1. Mail check donation to:
    Office of International Students & Scholars - MS-365
    6100 Main St.
    Houston, TX 77005
    Please include a note if you wish to specify your support for a designated area.
  2. Donate online with a credit card:
    To ensure that your donation is properly designated for OISS, please follow the exact steps below:
  • Visit
  • Indicate the amount
  • Under Designation select Other (Please specify in special instructions)
  • Specify your additional information
  • In Special Instructions, enter the following "please designate to Unit 11060 - International Students & Scholars"
  • Submit the form and check for your email receipt confirmation.
    Note: you may also use this form to check for matching gifts from your employer.

In-Kind Contributions

OISS strives to keep our international community involved on campus, and we organize a variety of activities intended to help students, staff and faculty as well as their families make friends and build connections on campus.

OISS has a variety of programs where you may lend your expertise or simply get involved! Perhaps you are an expert in immigration law or an expert in processing income taxes for internationals? Perhaps you enjoy teaching and would like to help international students & scholars to practice and develop their English skills? Perhaps you are an expert on Houston and would like to share what Houston has to offer to our international visitors? Perhaps you would like to be a friend to a new international student or scholar?

It is our volunteers that make all these programs and events possible, so if you would like to contribute or to lend a helping hand — and have some fun while doing it — please do not hesitate to contact us!

Andy Meretoja
Interim Director, Office of International Students & Scholars