Temporary Housing – Hotels
Short-term on-campus housing may be available for summer visitors. For more information, please see http://housing.rice.edu.
• Hotels near Campus: https://campustravel.com/university/rice-university/
• Hotels near George Bush Intercontinental Airport: https://www.fly2houston.com/iah/other-hotels
Permanent Housing
For Rice on-campus housing, please see http://housing.rice.edu/.
Off-campus housing – Apartments and rooms for rent far from Rice University may be less expensive than those nearby. However, public transportation may be a problem with the more distant locations. If you do not own a car, you should find out about bus routes before selecting a place to live. Please note that apartment scams are unfortunately very common in the United States. Please always make sure any apartment posting is legitimate before paying any fees or deposits! For more information, please see the USA.gov website on rental scams.
Rates vary according to location, neighborhood, amenities provided, age, and condition of the complex. The average one bedroom unfurnished (without furniture, but with appliances) apartment near campus costs approximately $750 - $1800 a month. Renting with furniture adds approximately $300 more per month. An unfurnished two-bedroom apartment has an average cost of approximately $950 - $2000. Utilities (gas, electricity and telephone) are usually charged separately and add approximately $150 to your monthly costs. Students often prefer to share an apartment in order to save money. Occasionally, rooms in homes are available at a lower cost.
The standard apartment lease is for a period of six or twelve months. A small number of apartments also provide short-term leases, either furnished or unfurnished. You will be expected to pay a deposit of approximately $500 when you sign a lease on an apartment, in addition to paying the first and last month’s rent in advance. If you break your lease or damage the apartment, you will lose your deposit. Be very careful before signing anything. Get advice from current students and from your academic department. Be sure to get as much information as you can before you sign a contract. Read your lease carefully!
In the U.S., furnished apartments do not include bed linens, towels, silverware, china, or kitchen utensils (pots and pans). Basic items will cost you $350 or more to purchase. Be sure to include “garage sales” and discount stores in your search in order to save money on many household items. Graduate international students benefit from the use of the Graduate Student Loan Closet, which allows them to borrow used household items collected by the Faculty Women’s Club. This service is available at the beginning of the academic semesters and thereafter by arrangement with the project’s coordinator.
Recommended Resources
Apartment Locators – your free personal resource to finding housing in Houston
Apartment Living Locators
Cell: 713-703-6734
Email: aboos0731@aol.com
Free service, highly recommended, has helped many international students and scholars at Rice in the past.
Martha Turner/Sotheby's
Email: karen.reichek@sothebyshomes.com
Cell: 713-826-6527
Free service, highly recommended, has helped many international students and scholars at Rice in the past.
CORT Furniture Rental
CORT provides furniture rental packages and housing information
Check the website for information also in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Off-Campus Housing Website: https://offcampushousing.rice.edu/
Rice students and scholars can create a profile on the Off-Campus Housing Website and look for roommates! New incoming students and scholars who do not have their Rice login yet may create a guest account, which will be valid for 60 days: https://offcampushousing.rice.edu/registration/index. Please note that guest accounts will be vetted for Rice affiliation, so there may be a delay before the account is activated.
The apartment locators listed above have been reputable and reliable. The Off-Campus Housing Website, while maintained by Rice, may include postings by people who are not affiliated with Rice, and unfortunately may not always be trustworthy. If you're looking for an apartment independently, please keep in mind that unfortunately apartment scams are common in the United States. Please use caution and always make sure that the posting is legitimate before paying any fees or deposits!
Visit www.moving.com/movers/moving-relocation-tools.asp to locate and compare rates for different service providers. You may contact the company directly to verify rates.
Electricity: For electric companies, visit www.powertochoose.org
A deposit may be required. Most companies require at least 24 hours notice before being able to turn on your electricity.
Gas: For gas, visit http://www.centerpointenergy.com. A deposit may be required as security for the payment for gas service.
Internet: AT&T or Comcast, two of the biggest internet service providers in the U.S., service the majority of the greater Houston area.
AT&T – visit www.att.com/
Comcast – visit https://www.xfinity.com/