Please click on the topics below to learn more about the differences between the F-1 and J-1 visas available for students.
- Eligibility
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Rice University is certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to issue the Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, to students admitted to eligible full-time programs and who submit proof of funding for at least one academic year (9 months).
Rice University is designated by the U.S. Department of State (DOS) to issue the Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant EV Student Status, to students admitted to eligible full-time programs and who meet at least one of the following criteria:
1) More than half of funding is from a source other than student's personal funds, family funds, or a loan;
2) Exchange is based on a written agreement between the U.S. government and a foreign government;
3) Exchange is based on a written agreement between Rice University and a foreign institution.Exchange students may not use F-1 status. In addition, some funding sponsors require beneficiaries to use J-1 EV status.
Degree students who meet both the F-1 and J-1 EV eligibility requirements may choose which status to use. Students who have access to another status valid for study may contact OISS to learn more about the benefits between their existing status and F-1 or J-1 EV status. - Funding
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Students must provide proof of funding for one academic year (9 months); OISS issues Form I-20, valid for the entire length of the academic program.
Students must provide proof of funding for the entire program length in order to receive Form DS-2019 for the entire length of the academic program. If a student is only able to provide proof of funding for one academic year, OISS will issue the Form DS-2019 for one academic year. Students will be required to provide additional proof of funding as part of the extension request process.
- Health insurance
Health insurance
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
All Rice-sponsored F-1 students are subject to the Rice International Student Health Insurance Policy that requires F-1 students to enroll in:
• Aetna (Rice's Student Health Insurance Plan), or
• Wellfleet (Rice's Approved Alternate Health Insurance Plan).
For more information, please see
We also strongly recommend health insurance coverage for all F-2 Dependents.U.S. federal regulations require J-1/J-2 EV health insurance coverage for the duration of the program. All Rice-sponsored J-1 students are subject to the Rice International Student Health Insurance Policy that requires J-1 students to enroll in:
• Aetna (Rice's Student Health Insurance Plan), or
• Wellfleet (Rice's Approved Alternate Health Insurance Plan).
Both Aetna and Wellfleet meet the legal visa requirements for J EV visa holders. For more information, please see
J-2 Dependents are also legally required to maintain health insurance that meets the requirements for the J EV visa. - On-campus employment
On-campus employment
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Eligible to work a maximum of 20 hours per week during required academic terms and full-time during official university breaks and vacations. For more information, please see
OISS letter is required for SSN application if the student does not already have an SSN. For more information, please see is required for each position and each period of employment.
Eligible to work a maximum of 20 hours per week during required academic terms and full-time during official university breaks and vacations.
Authorization cannot be issued in increments longer than one year; students who remain in the same position must request new authorization.
For more information, please see - Off-campus authorizations
Off-campus authorizations
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Authorization is only available for practical training directly related to the major field of study.
• Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization depends on each program's curriculum and requires an eligible offer letter.
• Optional Practical Training (OPT) requires USCIS approval and can be used to engage in practical training after graduation.
• STEM OPT Extension for graduates of qualifying programs with an eligible offer letter.
Please see for more information.Authorization is only available for academic training directly related to the major field of study.
Academic Training (AT) authorization:
• Requires eligible offer letter.
• Available during academic program and can be used to engage in practical training after graduation.
• Requires evaluation by academic advisor and supervisor.
Please see for more information. - Site of activity
Site of activity
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Must study at Rice University campus or an approved instructional site.
Must study at Rice University campus or an approved instructional site. Must report trips outside of the United States to the academic department.
- Incident reporting
Incident reporting
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Rice reports to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) any institutional disciplinary action resulting from a criminal conviction.
Rice reports to the Department of State (DOS) any incident that could affect the health or well-being of an Exchange Visitor or the reputation of the Exchange Visitor Program.
- Dependents
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
F-2 Dependents may study part-time. It is the visa holder's responsibility to verify an academic institution's part-time threshold (Exception: school-aged children under the age of 18 may study full-time.)
Employment is prohibited (even if unpaid).
F-2 Dependents may not remain in the United States for more than 30 consecutive days while the F-1 Student is abroad during a required academic term.
For more information, please see Dependents may study full-time or part-time and may apply for work authorization from USCIS.
For more information, please see - Post-completion U.S. visa restrictions
Post-completion restrictions
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Not applicable.
INA Section 212(e): Two-Year Home-Country Physical Presence Requirement
Rice students may be subject based on:
1. Government funding and/or
2. Study in a field on the Skills List
Requires J-1 Student and any J-1 Dependent(s) to return to home country for an aggregate period of two years or receive a waiver of the requirement before they are eligible for statuses such as H-1B (temporary worker), L-1 (intracompany transfer), K (fiancée), or Lawful Permanent Resident (green card).
Rice does not assist with waivers of 212(e). J-1 status cannot be extended (e.g., for post-completion work authorization) or transferred to another institution following a 212(e) waiver application. - Transfer eligibility
Transfer eligibility
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Eligible to transfer status to a new institution mid-program and within 60 days following the Form I-20 program end date.
Eligibility to transfer status to a new institution prior to Form DS-2019 end date if the new program is in the same J-1 EV Category and the same field of study.
May matriculate upwards (i.e., progress from bachelors to masters, masters to doctorate) but may not change from non-degree to degree (or vice versa) and may not reverse matriculate (e.g., doctorate to masters). - Terminal masters
Terminal masters
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
Doctoral candidate who leaves the program early with a masters degree may apply to USCIS for an extension of status via post-completion work authorization (Optional Practical Training).
Doctoral candidate who leaves the program early with a masters degree is ineligible to extend status for post-completion work authorization.
- Grace period
Grace period
F-1 Status
J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Status
May remain in the United States for up to 60 days after successful completion of the program.
May remain in the United States for up to 30 days after successful completion of the program.